Lynn Marie Nephew for Duluth

Working to solve Duluth’s housing crisis.


Rents aren't affordable, home ownership isn't attainable, and property taxes are high.

We need to build homes, create supportive housing, and implement housing programs like land trust programs and loans for home maintenance. These are proven successes!


Our infrastructure troubles begin in our own backyards … or under our backyards in our case, where Duluth still has too many lead pipes.

There are urgent maintenance issues in Duluth that we need to work on as a community, and this historic winter has only brought home the limitations of our legacy infrastructure.

Public Safety

Public safety is a core service of the city, and we need to start treating it that way.

We must offer good pay and benefits, full staffing, and quality equipment and training for our public safety departments. This is what lets police and fire safely respond to emergencies.